= Adding data types =
Adding of data types is done by
* editing 'xgap_db.xml' to add the data type
* editing 'xgap_ui.xml' to add it the XGAP user interface.
* subsequently running the generator as described in [http://www.molgenis.org/wiki/MolgenisGeneratorBasics MolgenisGeneratorBasics].
* and finally updating the database (
WARNING: don't run the MolgenisUpdateDatabase if you want to keep data in the database! Instead copy/paste relevant SQL from the /generated/sql/create_tables.sql file!
Below two examples are shown.
== Example 1 ==
We have sequencing data for bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. This is something measured on a bacteria, so it's a trait. Since the fragments have a genetical location, we would like to have this annotated as well.
We add a new entity named "Clone" to xgap_db.xml with a proper description. We 'add' this to the possible traits by 'extending' the Trait datatype. Lastly, we reuse the notation of genetic location by adding 'Locus' information using 'implements'. As a result Clone will have all properties of Locus as well as Trait.
BAC clone fragment.
Then add this new entity to the user interface by adding under the 'Trait' menu:
Finally we run the generator and update the database as described above, i.e., in /generated/sql/create_tables.sql copy the {{{create table Clone}}} and paste it into the mysql prompt.
== Example 2 ==
We want to 'wrap' datamatrices as a QTL dataset where we annotate a specific matrix to contain 'genotypes' and another matrix to contain 'phenotypes'. These datasets do not need names.
We add an entity named "QTLDataSet" to xgap_db.xml with a proper description. We do want the matrix to fit into the XGAP datastructure but do not need to name it, therefore we extend 'Describable' which gives the record a unique ID, but not 'Identifiable' which would add a 'name' field. Then we add two fields with are both crossreferences to 'Data' by "id", though the label will be "name".
The starting point of QTL analysis.
Then we add it to the user interface by adding to xgap_ui.xml at a proper location:
Finally we run the generator and update the database as described above, i.e., in /generated/sql/create_tables.sql copy the {{{create table QTLDataSet}}} and paste it into the mysql prompt.