* Added again all jar prequisites of 0.3 releases of Peregrine in molgenis_rdf_test . * Some error fixed. Missing org.erasmusmc.data_mining.ontology. & data_mining.peregrine.impl * ok found it here: http://ws1.grid.sara.nl:21501/artifactory/libs-releases-local/org/erasmusmc/data-mining/ontology/ontology-api/0.3/ * and http://ws1.grid.sara.nl:21501/artifactory/libs-releases/org/erasmusmc/data-mining/ontology/ontology-impl-file/ * Source seems to be fine .  * There is a problem with Tomcat at this specific machine (!) localhost.@ molgenis_distro & @ ontocat cannot run * Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost failed to start.