* Trac error Internal Server Error !TracError: IOError: zipimport: can not open file /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/!TracSubTicketsPlugin-0.1.0-py2.6.egg[[BR]]o Sub[wiki:TracTicket] : * delete python eggs * disable in trac common.ini * restart apache * Update gcc to retrive Joeri's latest version of matrix implementation : * after the mapper_implementation = jpa * '''created a fresh workspace with a different gcc version lifelines_workspace''' * error in java.lang.!NoClassDefFoundError: Identifiable at java.lang.!ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ...solved * null still returned in matrixManager * VM7 /BBMRI gcc : * the server is tested with a lot of searches (TODO : mail to gcc) * change the left menu categories (user management --> inside admin, all form inside one "data views" category) * add ontocat logo * peregine ? * labels changed . * BEFORE UPLOAD TO VM7 SERVER :  * boolean evilLoginBypass = false; (AUTH--> SERVICE--> DATABASELOGIN.JAVA) * COPY THE LuceneIndexConfiguration.VM.properties TO !LuceneIndexConfiguration.BBMRI.properties