'''BBMRI'''  * Hide name * Institution: join the BiobankPanel table. * When you login you really should not end up on your account page. I would prefer if you would end up on the Biobanks Overview page, * nicer if the user could be redirected in the previous opened page * Hide from the menu the login link . * Help link on the header - wait for detail form Margeet. / Fly over help * ''Catalog of Dutch Biobanks'' * ''The current download function returns a text file that can be read into Excel. The BBMRI-US agency will still let you know if this is workable. - .xls is .csv'' * ''Contact Information Programme Office Add-GB BBMRI iom Margot'' * ''Bij vragen of opmerkingen kunt u contact opnemen met BBMRI-NL door te emailen of bellen naar [[BR]]Margreet Brandsma, programmamanager[[BR]][mailto:m.brandsma@bbmri.nl][[BR]]071 - 5269412[[BR]]ma, di, wo bereikbaar[[BR]][[BR]]Margot Heesakker - Heintz[[BR]][mailto:m.heesakker@bbmri.nl][[BR]]071 - 5268498[[BR]]di, wo, vr bereikbaar'' * Remove: * This system was developed by the NBIC Biobanking platform, BBMRI-NL bioinformatics rainbow hosted at the Coordination Center, UMCG, and in collaboration with GEN2PHEN, !LifeLines and the European Bionformatics Institute regarding data model and tools. It was generated using MOLGENIS. * *