= Decorators for database mappers = You can customize the way entities are added, updated or removed by the database logic by adding decorator classes. Start by adding a decorator your your entity: {{{ }}} This will put a template decorator '!ExampleDecorator.java' in a package 'decorators' in your Java source folder. If you open this file, you will notice three functions: {{{ public int add(List entities) public int update(List entities) public int remove(List entities) }}} Each of these functions can be customized with new pre-, post- and database action behaviour, in a sequential layout: {{{ // add your pre-processing here // here we call the standard 'add' int count = super.add(entities); // add your post-processing here // if you throw an exception the previous add will be rolled back }}} == Example == For example, change the value of the field 'name' by turning it into uppercase before adding: {{{ public int add(List entities) throws DatabaseException{ try{ for (Entity e : entities){ e.set("name", e.get("name").toString().toUpperCase()); } } catch (ParseException pe) { throw new DatabaseException(pe); } int count = super.add(entities); return count; } }}} Remember the functions get a list of entities which can be adressed in the most low-level form (org.molgenis.util.Entity) as shown in the example. However, usually you want to use the generated class for this decorator to use its field functions, so the previous example becomes: {{{ for (Example e : entities){ e.setName(e.getName().toUpperCase()); } }}} Which makes more sense! If you have multiple pre- and post dependancies, your decorator will become much more [http://www.molgenis.org/svn/gcc/trunk/handwritten/java/decorators/MolgenisFileDecorator.java tricky] and the "pre -> action -> post" order will become blurred. These decorators can become very powerful and save you much work in other places, though. == Inheritance == Decorators follow entity enheritance, which means: say you have an entity A having a decorator, and entity B extends A. You perform a db action on B, now the decorator from entity A is used. Inside the decorator, you can distinguish types (A or B ) by using `entity.get__Type()`. You can get properties from B inside the decorator with the same functions as you would from A (e.g. `B.getName()`), any B specific fields can be obtained with `B.get("fieldname")`.