== Authentication and Authorization module == * Authentication * (local) database * OpenId * LDAP * IP based * ... * Authorization * Permissions * read * write (create, update, delete) * execute * Resources * tables * rows * columns * files * ... Please put your requirements here. == Needs of the PhenoFlow module (lifelines, bbmri, gids2.0) == PhenoFlow is the user interface for searching, browsing and extracting phenotype data from the Pheno model. The systems (that will be) using this module are * LifeLines (datawarehouse) * BBMRI-NL (biobank catalog) and * gids (2.0). * COL7A1 Phenotype/Patient browser (here one gene == one investigation) * XGAP data browser Requirements: * Users need to be able to login * All registered users have edit permissions to create new investigations * All existing investigations can only be listed (names) but no other values * All investigations are owned by one or more persons * If not yet owned, users can request to become manager of an investigation. * Otherwise users can request read access to the investigation * Users can create groups of themselves (except for lifelines) * Users can share an investigation and all its components to [public, groups, whitelists of users) for viewing * The sharing rules can be read or write (so that means they can transfer management of an investigation) * All InvestigationElement inherit the sharing rules set on an investigation (hence, if the investigation is public so are all its elements) * Individual investigation elements, and the dataelements that refer to them can have different permissions (lifelines) Issues: * What about data that is not an Investigation/InvestigationElement? See www.myexperiment.org for some inspiration on how this 'sharing' model can work.