= Brainstorm on MOLGENIS settings =
I was thinking on something like this:
As an administrator I want to have a user interface that lists all possible options and allows me to change their settings.
As an administrator I want to add new user options.
As a user I want to keep my settings between user settings. (e.g. filters on forms).
The basic data structure may be:
Options that one can set on a MOLGENIS system (open ended). E.g. 'db_user', 'db_password', ". But in the future also more fancy settings like 'ui_theme'.
Values that have been set on the options. Can be global or user specific
Actually what we need is almost like a 'Measurement' and 'ObservedValue' ;-)
Because setting an option is almost like applying a protocol?
And each protocol would be a screen in the admin panel?
Seems we may need to make them extend from a more general interface ;-)