[[TOC(depth=2,MolgenisIntro,MolgenisOnWindows,MolgenisOnUbuntu,MolgenisOnEclipse,MolgenisWorkspaceBasics,MolgenisGeneratorBasics,MolgenisAddressBookExample,MolgenisFromExisting,MolgenisLanguageReference,MolgenisDtd,MolgenisPlugin,MolgenisDatabase,MolgenisEmail,MolgenisBatchLoading,MolgenisRinterface,MolgenisSoapInterface)]] = The MOLGENIS user guide = This MolgenisGuide is meant to serve as a starting point for all documentation regarding MOLGENIS usage for application development. The guide is a free document, a collaborative effort, and a part of the MOLGENIS Project itself. == Table of Contents == Currently available documentation: * '''MolgenisIntro''' -- Introduction into MOLGENIS * '''User guide''' * MolgenisUserInterface -- How to browse and edit data * MolgenisBatchLoading -- How to import datasets from CSV files * MolgenisRinterface -- How to connect to your MOLGENIS via R * MolgenisSoapInterface -- How connect to your MOLGENIS via web services (in Taverna) * Generate a RDF/Sparql interface * '''Developer Guide''' * ''Installing MOLGENIS development kit'' * MolgenisOnWindows -- How to setup the generator on Microsoft Windows * MolgenisOnUbuntu -- How to setup the generator on Ubuntu Linux * MolgenisOnEclipse -- How to get a useful Eclipse installed * ''Using the generator'' * MolgenisWorkspaceBasics -- How to open a MOLGENIS workspace * MolgenisGeneratorBasics -- How to use the generator * MolgenisAddressBookExample -- How to generate a new MOLGENIS from scratch * MolgenisFromExisting -- How to generate a MOLGENIS from an existing database * ''Using the XML modelling language'' * MolgenisLanguageReference -- How to use the language elements * MolgenisDtd -- Language definition * ''Using the plugin framework'' * MolgenisPlugin -- How to add a plugin to your MOLGENIS * MolgenisDatabase -- How to use the MOLGENIS database backend from your plugin * MolgenisEmail -- How to send emails from your MOLGENIS * [http://gbic.target.rug.nl:8080/hudson/job/molgenis/ws/3.3/build/javadoc/index.html MolgenisJavaDoc] -- Overview of the MOLGENIS components * MolgenisCustomCommand -- How to add custom buttons/dialogs to the generated forms * Generate a RDF/Sparql interface