= MOLGENIS development manual = Documentation is moved to [github http://github.com/molgenis/molgenis/wiki] Below is just old stuff we didn't delete yet! * [wiki:MolgenisGuide Table of Contents] * '''Introduction''' * [wiki:MolgenisIntro Introduction] * [wiki:MolgenisToc Detailed table of contents] * '''MOLGENIS application overview''' * [wiki:MolgenisUserInterface Browsing and editing] * [wiki:MolgenisBatchLoading CSV file loading] * [wiki:MolgenisRinterface Connecting to R] * [wiki:MolgenisSoapInterface Connecting to SOAP web services] * [wiki:MolgenisRestInterface Connecting to REST web services using CURL] * [wiki:MolgenisAsGalaxyDatasource Molgenis as a datasource for Galaxy] * '''Generating your own applications''' * [https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis-sdk Download and install development kit ] * [wiki:MolgenisAddressBookExample Modeling a new MOLGENIS] * [wiki:MolgenisFromExisting Modeling an existing database] * [wiki:MolgenisProperties molgenis.properties file] * '''Adding plug-ins''' * [wiki:MolgenisPlugin Screen plugin] * [wiki:MolgenisDatabase Database plugin] * [wiki:MolgenisEmail Email plugin] * [wiki:MolgenisCustomCommand Command plugin] * '''Building on the MOLGENIS framework''' * [wiki:MolgenisDatabaseApi Database API] * [wiki:MappingDecorator Customize database mapping with MappingDecorator] * [wiki:MolgenisJpa Using Java Persistency API (JPA)] * '''MOLGENIS Data Modeling Language Reference''' * [wiki:MolgenisElement element] * [wiki:ModuleElement element] * [wiki:EntityElement element] * [wiki:FieldElement element] * [wiki:UniqueElement element] * '''MOLGENIS User Interface Modeling Language Reference''' * [wiki:FormElement
element] * [wiki:MenuElement element] * [wiki:PluginElement element] * [wiki:IncludeElement element] * '''MOLGENIS framework API''' * [wiki:MolgenisJavaDoc Javadoc library reference] * '''Frequently asked questions''' * [wiki:MolgenisRenameProject How to change molgenis url from /molgenis_distro to xyz] * [wiki:MolgenisServletDecorator How to change the MolgenisServlet, e.g. to add more services] * [wiki:ExtendDBModel How to extend an existing database model] * [wiki:CaseSensitivityProblems Case sensitivity and issues between windows, linux and mac] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form] * [wiki:HyperlinkToForm How to create a hyperlink from plugin to another form]