= MOLGENIS related internships = Advertise your internships here: Feel free to send us your own project proposal. We don't pay salary but are happy to give you a desk and training in Groningen, The Netherlands (and possibly help you with funding). 1. '''New MOLGENIS model + plugins for the ... domain''' [[BR]]MOLGENIS aims to produce working databases. So we are always open for interns to help them use MOLGENIS to build a new database application. (The other pointers below are MOLGENIS enhancement projects.[[BR]] 1. '''!GraphicalMolgenisEditor'''. [[BR]]The MOLGENIS langauge is now in XML which seems perfect for most programmers. However, a graphical designer would greatly help lower the bar for new developers. The envisioned solution is an Eclipse plugin. Alternatively, we could make a Taverna workbench plugin.[[BR]] 1. '''!DatabaseMigrationGenerator'''[[BR]]Given previous project, we can now track the changes a designer/admin makes to his MOLGENIS. Next step: autogenerator also the 'alter table' scripts.[[BR]] 1. '''!OnlineMolgenisCatalog''' [[BR]]Biologists can navigate these models, choose the components they like and assemble a new model for their own experiments. Main theme: "one-stop shop for biological databases"[[BR]] 1. '''!TaskManagerPlugin'''[[BR]]Currently we see a growing set of plugins that e.g. run an R script. These calculations can take some time. It would be great if we had a task manager and a simple API to start/stop processes (and check for progress). Note: we are happy to adopt an existing tool for this.[[BR]] 1. RscriptProcessor''' and !TavernaWorkflowProcessor[[BR]]''' All the R scripts take now take input simply by having a few lines of R script executed before the actual script. Taverna workflows can be enacted similarly. What we want is to autogenerate these plugin stubs similar to !SoapLab (instead of by hand). Therefore we want to introduce syntax similar to our ';field name="a" type="int"' syntax but now these fields are input parameters for the R scripts.[[BR]] 1. '''!TavernaWorkbenchPlugin[[BR]]'''In collaboration with the Taverna team in Manchester we want to exploit the integration of MOLGENIS and Taverna. MOLGENIS provides rich data types: how to best exploit these inside Taverna, and how to integrate workflows in the MOLGENIS GUI. Maybe we need a MOLGENIS type processor as Taverna plugin.[[BR]] 1. '''Your project here'''