= Deployment SOP for developers = This SOP describes how to deploy MOLGENIS v2.0 on a server with a clean Golden VM deployed * Login on VM {{{ ssh lobby+molgenis[0-9] }}} * Execute the following as molgenis user. {{{ # # Edit the existing molgenis-server.properties file # echo ' db_user=molgenis db_password=molgenis db_driver=org.postgresql.Driver db_uri=jdbc\:postgresql\://localhost/molgenis?reWriteBatchedInserts=true&autosave=CONSERVATIVE admin.password=admin user.password=admin mail.username= mail.password= ' > ~/.molgenis/molgenis-server.properties # # Install tomcat users # nano -w ~/apache-tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml # # Paste just before the closing tag from tomcat-users (): # Update the password to the true passwords. # # # Start Tomcat server # sudo service tomcat7 start # # Start Apache HTTPD server # sudo service httpd start }}} * [http://www.molgenis.org/wiki/GccSopInstallationDeployServerInJenkins Deploying a server in Jenkins] * Make sure that relevant daemons startup on reboot. {{{ sudo chkconfig }}} If httpd, tomcat7 or mysqld are ''off'', turn them on: {{{ sudo chkconfig httpd on sudo chkconfig tomcat7 on sudo chkconfig mysqld on }}} * Starting and stopping daemons {{{ sudo service [daemon] [start|stop|status|reload|restart] }}} For example to restart Tomcat: {{{ sudo service tomcat7 restart }}}