== As an admin we want to deploy new molgenis VMs with cluster access == Scrum: ticket:1068 Depends on: * (LifeLines) StoryPreparePhenoData * (LifeLines) StoryPrepareGenoData Acceptance criteria: * We will have one standard VM that Ger can clone all the time for studyX. See VMRequirements * There is a SOP to ask target-beheer to create a new VM for particular user and group * VMs will have a mount to gpfs2 that is on /target/gpfs2/lifelines/studyX * The Pheno and Geno data will be put in /target/gpfs2/lifelines/studyX/rawdata * Tools like PLINK and PLINKSeq are shared folder /target/gpfs2/lifelines/tools * (LifeLines only) the firewall is closed for outside messages for the user Status: * Joeri makes appointment with Ger and Morris on Wednesday morning to discuss [done] * Requirements on [[VMRequirements]] == As LL team we want to provide a Molgenis Research Portal for each study == Scrum: ticket:949 Acceptance criteria: * When a VM is rolled out, a Molgenis-based LL Research Portal is provided within it * Based on the study request, this Portal will be filled with content (How do we know which content to load? Where does this happen?) * Targets, protocols and measurements are retrieved from some location and put into the Portal. They are restricted based on the study request. * The Portal instance contains only the pheno data that was requested for the study Status: == SOP == * LifeLines official doet aanvraag bij target beheer voor VM + bijbehorende gebruikers * target beheer maakt kopie van de standaard 'molgenis' VM en lanceert op GPFS * target beheer voegt de specifieke groep, gebruikers + firewalls toe aan VM en cluster * target beheer geeft VM aan LifeLines official om te vullen met data via automatische scriptje * LifeLines beheerder runt test of Internet inderdaad dicht zit en alles naar behoren werkt FAQ > Will Molgenis by running inside the VM or inside the WOM? >> Inside VM. Just as always. >> Inside VM. Just as always.