Start d2r on molgenis n3 mapping : * In local installation d2r-server -p 2020 molgenis.n3 * there are some exception about : * de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.D2RQException: Column @@digital_identity.digital_identity_id@@ not found in database (E0) * Exception in thread "main" java.lang.[wiki:NullPointerException] * at de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rs.!JettyLauncher .start(! ) * at d2r.server.startServer(! )  * at d2r.server.main(! )  TODO :  * Next steps : check which DB it makes use . This digital identity seems to be in a really old DB .  * after taking NULL EXCEPTION off the command line run of D2R..\ * check the SPARQL interface if is running om localhost/8080  !http://localhost:2020/snorql/