[[TracNav(xQTL)]] = [wiki:xQTL xQTL workbench] - Galaxy and Cloud = There are many alternative ways to connect or deploy xQTL in powerful environments such as web services, the C programming language, Galaxy, or the EC3 cloud. Here we will highlight some of these possibilities. === xQTL as a Galaxy datasource === To connext Galaxy to xQTL, please follow the generic tutorial for Molgenis applications. It can be found [MolgenisAsGalaxyDatasource here]. === Running in Cloud EC3 === Vagrant Debian squeeze installation for cloud deployment: Links: * [http://vagrantup.com/ Vagrant][[BR]] * [http://mathie-vagrant-boxes.s3.amazonaws.com/debian_squeeze_32.box Debian Squeeze][[BR]] * [http://woss.name/2011/02/07/vagrant-base-bo-for-debian-squeeze/ Run Debian Squeeze using Vagrant] Script: `sudo su`[[BR]] `apt-get update`[[BR]] `apt-get install ant subversion default-jdk -y`[[BR]] `mkdir xqtlwb`[[BR]] `cd xqtlwb`[[BR]] `svn co http://www.molgenis.org/svn/molgenis/trunk/ molgenis`[[BR]] `svn co http://www.molgenis.org/svn/molgenis_apps/trunk/ molgenis_apps`[[BR]] `ant -f molgenis_apps/xqtl_dev.xml make_run`[[BR]]