Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of BBMRI

2010-11-16T14:38:19+01:00 (14 years ago)




    v32 v33  
    4646     * Connect Concept wiki with Ontology Terms :
    4747       * links seems to be automatic extraction
    48          * Some of them does dot exist christina . e.g. alzheimer ..that is too general , alzheimer_dis connect to !
     48   * The user terms are linked with Concept wiki  - despoina (DONE)
     49     * Some of them does dot exist christina . e.g. alzheimer ..that is too general , alzheimer_dis connect to !
    4950       * Insert some link to concept wiki to see how to connect (DONE)
    50        * Create new molgenis plugin for upload concept wiki terms (can this done by batch Upload plugin ? )
     51       * Create new molgenis plugin for upload concept wiki terms (can this done by batch Upload plugin ? ) - this may not not be needed - explore (despoina & christina) 
    5152         * Check whether reads the name of the column in the csv and imports in the corresponding table.
    52        * Create new molgenis plugin for automatic upload concept wiki terms
    53    * Connect each term that is fould to the corresponding record in the local DB .
     53       * Connect each term that is fould to the corresponding record in the local DB . (almost DONE)
    5454 * make sure that the search results make sense, i.e., list of features | biobank name - despoina (almost DONE)
    5555 * transfer local version to gbic server
    5656   * upload or correct database contents
    57    * create indexes in folder  : /home/despoina/index
     57   * create indexes in folder  : /home/despoina/index
    5858   * change configuration variables
     59   * upload index in case connection with DB does not work  - despoina (DONE)
     60   * test search in indexes  - despoina (DONE)
    5961 * make from each element in this list a link to the right biobank (if you get stuck wait) - despoina
    6163Subtasks explained here: [[BBMRI_task2]]
    6265=== Task 3: Add and improve sparql interface ===
    6366''' Primary goal: make catalogue queriable by sparql '''