Welcome to the Groningen Genomics Coordination Centre
Groningen Genomics Coordination Center is the bioinformatics hotel of University and University Medical Center. GCC functions as Data Coordination Center or Data Analysis Center for small and big data projects in genomics, clinic and biobanking. Services and tools include:
- Analysis pipelines for NGS, GWA, GWL, e.g. compute & pipelines
- Biobank catalogues, e.g. Lifelines and BBMRI-NL
- Research portals for multi-omics laboratory, biobanks, consortia, e.g. WormQTL
- Patient registries, rare disease, personalized medicine and mutation databases, e.g. DEB, CHD7
- Large data infrastructure, e.g. 2 Petabyte high-speed storage, 960 cpu cores
- Data Coordination Center and/or Data Analysis Center, e.g. Genome of the Netherlands
We are highly motivated to collaborate on these tools and to share all our software and best practices via the MOLGENIS project
We are part of the Groningen Systems Genetics Network
GCC is a growing team of 25 researchers, programmers and system managers headed by Prof.Dr. Morris Swertz (m.a.swertz@…) set up to develop, manage and exploit new bioinformatics models, software and tools to enable and support the next generation of GWA, GWL and NGS experiments. In the past years GCC is organized as a bridge between the UMCG Department of Genetics providing bioinformatics support for the next generation sequencing facility (Prof. C. Wijmenga), the RuG Centre for Information Technology building towards ‘petabyte’ scale storage and compute infrastructure, and the Groningen Bioinformatics developing new bioinformatics method for high-throughput data (Prof. R.C. Jansen). Moreover, GCC is strongly rooted in national and international including BBMRI-NL, NFU Data4Lifesciences, DTL, BBMRI-ERIC, RD-connect, CORBEL, EXCELERATE, European Bioinformatics Institute. All GCC tools are collected in the open source MOLGENIS software project.
Contact head Morris Swertz (m.a.swertz@…) for more information or AboutGcc
- GccGettingStarted - overview for new GCC participants
- GccMeetings - Notes on our work meetings
- MolgenisScrum - Our SCRUM project management pages
- GccManuals - How to use the software and servers that we have
- GccTeam - Members of the group
- GccCalendar - Meetings, etc.
- GccLogs - Logbooks of GCC people
- GccAttachments - Attach here your private stuff
Attachments (1)
- test.css (6.8 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
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