
Version 1 (modified by antonak, 13 years ago) (diff)



the demo started with the user(margot) using the system  First he logged in successfully and tried to spot the biobanks. 

that was pretty easy , but the she tried adding a new biobank for the menu , 

1) Add a newe etnry 

a)The menu item is (add)  not working.(Menu -->update entry ) Actually not showing data . so I indicated that show should use the icon under the id.

b) the list is really long ..categorize?

c) the icon of edit is not obvious the the user 

2)The big surprise was when she saw the data . There is a big distance from the original els to the forms that are show here . So we have these points: 

3 ) Data views of the tables according to the user and the level of authority he has . (edit-simple view - admin - admin of user - admin of approval of new records - ) 

4) Ability to see the latest changes that have been made in the system , and by who ! Ability to approve or reject them . 

5)Edit institute --> limit the institutes according to the user level authority _-> this cannot be done BUT what is critical is the vies of th euser that made changes or a notification of the admins / approval 

6) David asked if they would like a view on previous revisions of data ..

This is already done in xls, with different files & filenames 

Should this be per date/per user / record / entity 

7) NEEDED coordinator to change the data per own biobank --> this is not  stable , it may change 

8) ON THE actual labels/entities of the data

Individual --> wrong 

user categories --> ontologies?? the same ? 

what is  the species ? 

what is FoundersPanels 

Ontology terms --> characteristics --> correctly mix of diseases , but there are no  hierarchies. ! 

So the data have now a flat structure BUT : 

clinical BIOBANKS











age < 50 


> 50-75

Is this structure really crucial to be visible ? 

Searching is mportant 

but categorization should also be included. 

9.) The empty fields may not be needed but maybe it's most important to revise the structure (or at least the label of the BD table ) with the els file

Start from structure really close to the els (margot has) add these entities and add some more when needed. 


open ISSUES:

1) xls is updated all the time with new entries new features maybe , there should be the possibility of updating the DB ,(BATCH UPLOAD) 

For this to be done we need a developers version and a stable production version . 

2)the entities Categories, Topics, (panel) contain the same data --> redundancy !

`the comment from els and currently description is truncated?

3) Which are the corresponding field from 1st xls to the second . 

a potential solution to this is to start form scratch with the first els and at least keep the names of the columns as the names of he labels. (in the fields) . Maybe then add some extra needed entities . these for example can be the empty ones .  

4)  : fix the url . the new is vm7 ! 

send address to margo 


Marco Roos: 

