
Version 30 (modified by Morris Swertz, 13 years ago) (diff)



Enlighten Your Research Global Award: Virtual Machine Images for Life Science Research

Denver (USA) 18 November 2013 – One of the four prestigious "Enlighten Your Research Global" has been awarded to an idea developed by an ELIXIR working group for the sharing of virtual machines over research and education networks.

  • Posted: 9 years ago (Updated: 9 years ago)
  • Author: george
  • Categories: MCF
  • Comments (0)

MOLGENIS/compute at IWSG-2013

MOLGENIS/compute was presented at 5th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2013, Zurich, Switzerland

Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at NBIC-2013

Towards visual analytics of bio-workflows presentation was given at the NBIC-2013 conference, Lunteren, Netherlands

  • Posted: 11 years ago (Updated: 11 years ago)
  • Author: george
  • Categories: MCF
  • Comments (0)

Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at BIOINFORMATICS-2013

"Visualization of bioinformatics workflows for ease of understanding and design activities" paper will be presented at the BIOSTEC-BIOINFORMATICS-2013 conference, on February 11th, 2013, Bercelona, Spain. [ ...

(Read more)

  • Posted: 12 years ago (Updated: 12 years ago)
  • Author: george
  • Categories: MCF
  • Comments (0)

MOLGENIS/compute workshop at BioAssist meeting

MOLGENIS/compute workshop took place at the NBIC Bio Assist meeting, in Utrect, Oct.12, 2012

  • Posted: 12 years ago (Updated: 12 years ago)
  • Author: george
  • Categories: MCF
  • Comments (0)

Welcome to the Genomics Coordination Centre

GCC is a growing team of 10 researchers, programmers and system managers headed by Dr. Morris Swertz (m.a.swertz@…) set up to develop, manage and exploit new bioinformatics models, software and tools to enable and support the next generation of GWA, GWL and NGS experiments. In the past two years GCC is organized as a bridge between the UMCG Department of Genetics providing bioinformatics support for the next generation sequencing facility (Prof. C. Wijmenga), the RuG Centre for Information Technology building towards ‘petabyte’ scale storage and compute infrastructure, and the Groningen Bioinformatics developing new bioinformatics method for high-throughput data (Prof. R.C. Jansen). Moreover, GCC is strongly rooted in national and international including the European Bioinformatics Institute, Netherlands Bioinformatics Center, Netherlands Proteomics Center, EU-GEN2PHEN, EU-CASIMIR, EU-PANACEA and BBMRI-NL. All GCC tools are collected in the open source MOLGENIS software project.

Contact head Morris Swertz (m.a.swertz@…) for more information or check Internships or AboutGcc

Our team members: TeamMembers

Study Capturing and Sharing Applications

Analysis Applications

Shared Modules


See GccIntranet for a complete overview

Collaborations & Projects

  • GBIC - Groningen Bioinformatics Center, our method partner
  • Genetics - UMCG genetics department hosts the GccTeam
  • CIT - Groningen Center for Information Technology hosts our data and computations
  • BBMRI.NL - Project lead of BBMRI-NL Bioinformatics
  • NBIC - Lead Biobanking task force Netherlands BioInformatics Center
  • LifeLines - Developing IT infrastructure for 30yr/165.000 people cohort study
  • EBI - Visitor European Bioinformatics Institute
  • EU-GEN2PHEN - Associated partner Genotype to Phenotype project
  • CASIMIR - Invited partner Coordination and Sustainability of International Mouse Informatics Resources
  • SYSGENET - European systems genetics network
  • PANACEA - Pathway analysis in C. elegans

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