| 1 | = MOLGENIS components = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | Here you can find summaries and links on the components listed in the ticket system. We distinguish two groups of components: |
| 4 | |
| 5 | == Types of components == |
| 6 | * shared components - these are reusable models (or 'semi-finished module) used across multiple molgenis environments. For example: 'auth' |
| 7 | * application components - these are specific applications (or 'end-product') build for a particular project or user group. For example: 'animaldb'. |
| 8 | |
| 9 | == Dependencies between component tickets == |
| 10 | Obviously there can be a dependency between components. For example, 'animaldb' depends on 'auth'. To make this dependency visible and queryable we use the keywords field. For example: if 'animaldb' and 'col7a1' both have a dependency on a ticket in the auth component this ticket will have keyewords 'animaldb col7a1'. |
| 11 | |
| 12 | ||xgap ||high-throughput low variability data model for markers, snps, probes, qtls etc || |
| 13 | ||pheno ||low-throughput data model high variability data model for phenotypes || |