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21 | | |
22 | | == Shared components == |
23 | | these are reusable models (or 'semi-finished module) used across multiple molgenis applications. |
24 | | |
25 | | ||'''component''' ||'''summary''' ||'''used''' || |
26 | | ||db ||molgenis database backend including mysql and jpa ||all systems || |
27 | | ||ui ||molgenis user interface framework ||all systems || |
28 | | ||compute ||molgenis compute framework including 'cluster' and 'script submission' tools ||impute, xqtl, ngs || |
29 | | ||[wiki:XgapStart xgap] ||high-throughput low variability data model for markers, snps, probes, qtls etc ||xqtl-workbench, ngs-lims, gwas-workbench || |
30 | | ||pheno ||low-throughput data model high variability data model for phenotypes ||col7a1, animaldb, biobank-warehouse || |
31 | | ||data ||data model, user interface & back-end to browse and search available data in a matrix form ||col7a1, animaldb, biobank-warehouse || |
32 | | ||convertors ||convertors that transform external file formats into org.molgenis data models so they can be imported automatically || |
33 | | ||[wiki:AuthModule auth] ||Authentication and authorization plugin ||all systems || |
34 | | |
35 | | == Application components == |
36 | | These are specific applications (or 'end-product') build for a particular project or user group. |
37 | | |
38 | | ||'''application''' ||'''description''' ||'''projects that participate in this component''' || |
39 | | ||data-explorer ||datawarehouse application to explore all available observation data ||lifelines, bbmri, gids, animaldb || |
40 | | |
41 | | == Dependencies and other keywords == |
42 | | Obviously there can be a dependency between components. For example, 'animaldb' depends on 'auth'. To make this dependency visible and queryable we use the keywords field. For example: if 'animaldb' and 'col7a1' both have a dependency on a ticket in the auth component this ticket will have keyewords 'animaldb col7a1'. |
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44 | | {{{#!graphviz |
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| 20 | == == |
| 21 | == == |
| 22 | == = Graphical overview of modules = == |
| 23 | == {{{#!graphviz == |