
Version 1 (modified by Morris Swertz, 13 years ago) (diff)


Overview of MOLGENIS modules

Basically every feature of MOLGENIS is part of a module. A module is bundeling of models, generators and software code that work tightly together to do something useful.

Manually curated list

Put here links to your module.

Automatic generated list

This list is automatically filled, just make sure your wiki page starts with 'Module' or 'Plugin'.

  1. Module/MatrixViewer
  2. Modules: Modules
  3. Modules/AnimalDb
  4. Modules/ApplyProtocol: Home page of Apply Protocols Module
  5. Modules/Auth: Authentication and Authorization module
  6. Modules/AuthModule/WishList: AuthModule 2.0 wishlist
  7. Modules/Batches: Idea
  8. Modules/Compute: Home of the compute module
  9. Modules/Compute/UsingRscripts: User stories for using R within the Compute module
  10. Modules/GenomeBrowser
  11. Modules/ImportWizard: ImportWizard
  12. Modules/Matrix: Matrix Data Viewer
  13. Modules/MatrixViewer
  14. Modules/MolgenisSettings: Brainstorm on MOLGENIS settings
  15. Modules/QTLFinder
  16. Modules/StudyBook: Study Book Module
  17. Modules/TableView: TableView: a uniform data viewer
  18. ModulesOld: Architectural overview