Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of MolgenisOnEclipseIndigo

2012-02-23T15:13:10+01:00 (13 years ago)
Pieter Neerincx



  • MolgenisOnEclipseIndigo

    v2 v3  
    26263. Install the Freemarker plugin
    28 * Visit for a list of JBOSS ''update sites''
    29 * Copy the URL of the JBOSS ''update site'' compatible with your Eclipse
     28 * Visit for a list of JBOSS ''update sites''
     29 * Copy the URL of the JBOSS ''update site'' compatible with your Eclipse
    3131   In Eclipse:
    33 * Go to menu "Help" -> menu item "Install New Software..."
    34 * Choose: ''Add'' and add the URL for the JBOSS update site
    35 * Select the new JBOSS ''update site'' you just added and type in the search box: ''freemarker''
    36 * Select ''Freemarker IDE'' (not SDK) and click "Next".
    37 * Accept the license and follow the instructions...
     33 * Go to menu "Help" -> menu item "Install New Software..."
     34 * Choose: ''Add'' and add the URL for the JBOSS update site
     35 * Select the new JBOSS ''update site'' you just added and type in the search box: ''freemarker''
     36 * Select ''Freemarker IDE'' (not SDK) and click "Next".
     37 * Accept the license and follow the instructions...
    39394. Start Eclipse and install the SVN plugin
    4141   In Eclipse:
    43 * Go to menu "Help" -> menu item "Install New Software..."
    44 * Select "work with:" -> "--All available sites--" and search for SVN.
    45 * You should find several items. Select "Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)" and click "Next".
    46 * Accept the license and follow the instructions...
    47 * When asked to apply changes or restart Eclipse: choose restart
     43 * Go to menu "Help" -> menu item "Install New Software..."
     44 * Select "work with:" -> "--All available sites--" and search for SVN.
     45 * You should find several items. Select "Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)" and click "Next".
     46 * Accept the license and follow the instructions...
     47 * When asked to apply changes or restart Eclipse: choose restart[[BR]][[BR]]
    49 ''NOTE'': you now have installed half of what you need to work with SVN in Eclipse.
    50 In addition to the subversive SVN plugin, you'll also need an SVN connector.
    51 There are several flavors: We suggest you give SVNKit a try.
    52 The first time you try to interact with SVN in the next step, subversive will notice you don't have a SVN connector and popup a dialog offering you to install one.
    53 Make sure you select a version that is compatible with the SVN version you have installed. If unsure: open a terminal and type ''svn --version''
     49   ''NOTE'': you now have installed half of what you need to work with SVN in Eclipse.
     50   In addition to the subversive SVN plugin, you'll also need an SVN connector.
     51   There are several flavors: We suggest you give SVNKit a try.
     52   The first time you try to interact with SVN in the next step, subversive will notice you don't have a SVN connector and popup a dialog offering you to install one.
     53   Make sure you select a version that is compatible with the SVN version you have installed. If unsure: open a terminal and type ''svn --version''
    5858   In Eclipse:
    60  * Choose menu ''Window'' -> Menu item ''Perspective'' -> ''Other'' and then choose SVN Repository Exploring
     60 * Choose menu ''Window'' -> Menu item ''Open Perspective'' -> ''Other...'' ->
     61 * Choose SVN Repository Exploring
    6162 * Right-click in the SVN Repositories window and add new repos ''
    63 4. Browse to 'molgenis/trunk' project and right-click and checkout, finish.
     646. Checkout the MOLGENIS framework
    65 5. Browse to 'molgenis_distro/trunk' project and right-click and checkout, finish.
     66   In the SVN Repositories browser in Eclipse:
     68 * Browse to 'molgenis/trunk' project and right-click and checkout, finish.
     707. Checkout MOLGENIS apps build with the framework
     72 * To start with a fresh project and develop you own MOLGENIS app you'll need ''molgenis_distro''
     73 * To get started with the collection of apps developed by the MOLGENIS team you'll need ''molgenis_apps''
     75   In the SVN Repositories browser in Eclipse and depending on your requirements:
     77 * Browse to 'molgenis_distro/trunk' project and right-click and checkout, finish.
     78 * Browse to 'molgenis_apps/trunk' project and right-click and checkout, finish.
    7180== Frequently asked questions ==