
Version 14 (modified by Morris Swertz, 14 years ago) (diff)



Get from a clean Windows install up to the point where you can generate, run and use a MOLGENIS

Install Java,Tomcat,MySQL and Eclipse

MOLGENIS is known to run happily on Windows, Linux and Mac. We here assume the procedure for the windows installation; for other operating system distributions we refer to respective documentations. To get started, download and install the most recent:

  1. Java 6 JDK
    Just install the most recent standard JDK with standard options.
  2. Tomcat >=5 web server
    Remember the root password you are asked. Don't run Tomcat as a service; we will start and stop it ourself.
  3. Mysql >=5.1 database
    During installation of the windows version you need to tick 'innodb'. Remember your root password.
  4. Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
    You need to install the J2EE version (which allows you to start/stop tomcat)
  5. (Optional) Graphviz
    MOLGENIS autogenerates documentation for your application. This requires the GraphViz? package from Make sure your PATH is set to run 'dot.exe' from the commandline. In windows this is set in the control panel -> System -> Environment variables.

Create a database in MySQL

Setup a MySQL database (once per MOLGENIS instance) MOLGENIS typically uses MySQL as data storage back-end although also PostgreSQL may be used. Here the procedure for MySQL is described to create a database and give MOLGENIS permission to populate it.

Open the MOLGENIS workspace using Eclipse

Most application developers use Eclipse to develop MOLGENIS applications. Therefore a ready made Eclipse project is the standard MOLGENIS distribution.

  1. Download or checkout the latest molgenis workspace as described here
  2. Open mysql.exe as root user. Under windows in "C:\Program Files\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysql.exe - u root -p
    Type your mysql root password remembered from step 3 above!
  3. Create a database 'molgenis' and give rights to the molgenis generator to change it using password 'molgenis'.
    Type: create database molgenis; grant all privileges on molgenis.* to molgenis@localhost identified by 'molgenis'; flush privileges;

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