4 | | Phenoflow is the [http://www.molgenis.org MOLGENIS] reference implementation of the phenotype object model, Pheno-OM. Mission of this project is to ease harmonization and interoperability of phenotypic data across model organisms, human genetics and biobanks. The result of this project can be used as component or intermediate data model to harmonize phenotype representation in existing software initiatives like [http://www.mged.org/mage-tab/ MAGE-TAB], [http://www.xgap.org XGAP for gwas] and [http://www.hgvbaseg2p.org/index HGVbaseG2P]. PhenoFlow is developed by the [http://wiki.gcc.rug.nl UMC Groningen/GCC] (Swertz), [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/fg EBI Hinxton/FG] (Adamusiak, Swertz), [http://www.fimm.fi/ FIMM Helsinki] (Muilu) and [http://www.le.ac.uk/ge/pages/staff/staff_pages/brookes.html U Leicester] (Thorisson, Brookes) as part of and with other members of [http://www.gen2phen.org/content/phenotype-modellingg EU-GEN2PHEN]. Applications of the project are supported by [http://www.nbic.nl/support/task-forces/biobanking/ NBIC Biobanking], [http://www.lifelines.org LifeLines] and [http://www.bbmriwiki.nl BBMRI-NL]). |
| 4 | Phenoflow is the [http://www.molgenis.org MOLGENIS] reference implementation of the phenotype object model, Pheno-OM. Mission: ease harmonization and interoperability of phenotypic data across model organisms, human genetics and biobanks. Phenoflow can be used as component or intermediate data model to harmonize phenotype representation in existing software such as [http://www.mged.org/mage-tab/ MAGE-TAB], [http://www.xgap.org XGAP for gwas] and [http://www.hgvbaseg2p.org/index HGVbaseG2P]. |
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| 6 | PhenoFlow is a joint product of the [http://wiki.gcc.rug.nl UMC Groningen/GCC] (Swertz), [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/fg EBI Hinxton/FG] (Adamusiak, Swertz), [http://www.fimm.fi/ FIMM Helsinki] (Muilu) and [http://www.le.ac.uk/ge/pages/staff/staff_pages/brookes.html U Leicester] (Thorisson, Brookes) as part of and with other members of [http://www.gen2phen.org/content/phenotype-modelling EU-GEN2PHEN]. Applications are supported by [http://www.nbic.nl/support/task-forces/biobanking/ NBIC Biobanking], [http://www.lifelines.org LifeLines] and [http://www.bbmriwiki.nl BBMRI-NL]). |