39 | | * Data resides on /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/releases/LL3/BeagleImputedTriTyper (accessible from all our new VMs) |
40 | | * Convertor from TriTyper to PLINK resides on /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/releases/LL3 |
41 | | * Correct Java version resides on /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/tools/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/ |
42 | | * STEP 1: make the subset_molgenis<n>.txt file: |
43 | | * In every MOLGENIS<n> schema for a study that has geno data, there is a VW_DICT_GENO_PSEUDONYMS view |
44 | | * In this view, PA_IDs (LL IDs) are related to GNO_IDs ("Marcel" IDs, the LL_WGA numbers) |
45 | | * Export this view (tab separated, no enclosures, no headers) to molgenis<n>.txt and scp to cluster.gcc.rug.nl:/target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/releases/LL3 |
46 | | * Run the following command there: {{{ ./formatsubsetfile.sh molgenis<n>.txt }}} |
47 | | * Your file is now available as subset_molgenis<n>.txt and looks like:[[BR]]LL_WGA0001 STUDYPSEUDO1 0[[BR]]LL_WGA0002 STUDYPSEUDO2 0[[BR]]LL_WGA0003 STUDYPSEUDO3 0[[BR]]... |
48 | | * So: Geno individual ID's - TAB - Study pseudonyms - TAB - Phenotypes (can be all 0's as TFAM will be generated later by the user) |
49 | | * Items are TAB-separated and it doesn't end with a newline |
50 | | * STEP 2: run the convertor |
51 | | * Usage: {{{ /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/tools/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -jar TriToPlinkLifeLines.jar P BeagleImputedTriTyper/ study<n> subset_molgenis<n>.txt }}} |
52 | | * STEP 3: copy to correct location |
53 | | * {{{cp study<n>.tped ../../lifelines0<n>}}} |
54 | | * May take some time! |
| 47 | === Step 2: run convertor for study === |
| 49 | cd to directory: |
| 50 | {{{#!sh |
| 51 | cd /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/releases/LL3 |
| 52 | }}} |
| 53 | |
| 54 | reformat mapping file: |
| 55 | |
| 56 | {{{#!sh |
| 57 | ./formatsubsetfile.sh molgenis<n>.txt |
| 58 | }}} |
| 59 | |
| 60 | run convertor on TriTyper and Mapping file: |
| 61 | {{{#!sh |
| 62 | /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/tools/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/java -jar TriToPlinkLifeLines.jar P BeagleImputedTriTyper/ study<n> subset_molgenis<n>.txt |
| 63 | }}} |
| 64 | |
| 65 | Note: |
| 66 | * Convertor from TriTyper to PLINK resides on /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/releases/LL3 |
| 67 | * Correct Java version resides on /target/gpfs2/lifelines_rp/tools/jdk1.6.0_22/bin/ |
| 68 | |
| 69 | === Step 3: copy geno data to the study folder === |
| 70 | |
| 71 | {{{#!sh |
| 72 | cp study<n>.tped ../../lifelines0<n> |
| 73 | }}} |
| 74 | |
| 75 | * May take some time! |