Version 3 (modified by 13 years ago) (diff) | ,
As an admin we want to deploy new molgenis VMs with cluster access
Scrum: ticket:1068
Depends on:
Acceptance criteria:
- We will have one standard VM that Ger can clone all the time for studyX. See VMRequirements
- There is a SOP to ask target-beheer to create a new VM for particular user and group
- VMs will have a mount to gpfs2 that is on /target/gpfs2/lifelines/studyX
- The Pheno and Geno data will be put in /target/gpfs2/lifelines/studyX/rawdata
- Tools like PLINK and PLINKSeq are shared folder /target/gpfs2/lifelines/tools
- (LifeLines only) the firewall is closed for outside messages for the user
- Joeri makes appointment with Ger and Morris on Wednesday morning to discuss [done]
- Requirements on VMRequirements
As LL team we want to provide a Molgenis Research Portal for each study
Scrum: ticket:949
Acceptance criteria:
- When a VM is rolled out, a Molgenis-based LL Research Portal is provided within it
- Based on the study request, this Portal will be filled with content (How do we know which content to load? Where does this happen?)
- Targets, protocols and measurements are retrieved from some location and put into the Portal. They are restricted based on the study request.
- The Portal instance contains only the pheno data that was requested for the study
- LifeLines official doet aanvraag bij target beheer voor VM + bijbehorende gebruikers
- target beheer maakt kopie van de standaard 'molgenis' VM en lanceert op GPFS
- target beheer voegt de specifieke groep, gebruikers + firewalls toe aan VM en cluster
- target beheer geeft VM aan LifeLines official om te vullen met data via automatische scriptje
- LifeLines beheerder runt test of Internet inderdaad dicht zit en alles naar behoren werkt
Will Molgenis by running inside the VM or inside the WOM?
Inside VM. Just as always. Inside VM. Just as always.