Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of TransparentMultiHopSSHNewLobby

2021-07-09T11:04:55+02:00 (3 years ago)
Pieter Neerincx



  • TransparentMultiHopSSHNewLobby

    v7 v8  
    114114   Replace all occurences of '''youraccount''' with the accountname you received from the UMCG HPC helpdesk.[[BR]][[BR]]
    115    If you are **not** on a Mac or on a very old one you may have to comment the ''# Generic stuff: only for MacOS clients'' section at the top of example **''~/.ssh/config''**[[BR]][[BR]]
    116  * You can now for example connect to the User Interface of the Calculon cluster named ''calculon'' with the account as specified in the ''User'' directive of your ''~/.ssh/config'' via the ''lobby'' jumphost using the alias ''lobby+calculon''. Type the following command in a terminal:
     115   If you are **not** on a Mac or on a very old one you may have to comment the {{{# Generic stuff: only for MacOS clients}}} section at the top of the example **''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby''**[[BR]][[BR]]
     116 * You can now for example connect to the User Interface of the Calculon cluster named ''calculon'' with the account as specified in the ''User'' directive of your ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' file via the ''lobby'' jumphost using the alias ''lobby+calculon''. Type the following command in a terminal:
    118118ssh lobby+calculon
    120    In order to override the account name specified in your ''~/.ssh/config'' you can use:
     120   In order to override the account name specified in your ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' you can use:
    122122ssh youraccount@lobby+calculon
    144144   A: You may have failed to create the **''~/.ssh/tmp''** folder in the first step or the permissions on this folder are wrong. [[BR]][[BR]]
    145145 * Q: Why do I get the error {{{ControlPath too long}}}? [[BR]]
    146    A: The {{{ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%C}}} line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file expands to a path that is too long. Change the ''!ControlPath'' line in your ''~/.ssh/config'' file to create a shorter path for the automagically created sockets. You can use for example {{{ControlPath /tmp/%h_%p_%r}}} to create sockets in /tmp. [[BR]][[BR]]
     146   A: The {{{ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%C}}} line in your ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' file expands to a path that is too long. Change the ''!ControlPath'' line in your ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' file to create a shorter path for the automagically created sockets. You can use for example {{{ControlPath /tmp/%h_%p_%r}}} to create sockets in /tmp. [[BR]][[BR]]
    147147 * Q: Why do I get the error {{{nc: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known. ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host}}}? [[BR]]
    148    A: This server does not exist (anymore); You have a typo in the name of the server you are trying to connect to. Check both the command you typed as well as your ''~/.ssh/config'' for typos in server names. [[BR]][[BR]]
     148   A: This server does not exist (anymore); You have a typo in the name of the server you are trying to connect to. Check both the command you typed as well as your ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' for typos in server names. [[BR]][[BR]]
    149149 * Q: Why do I get the error {{{Permission denied (publickey).}}}? [[BR]]
    150150   A: This error can be caused by various configuration issues: [[BR]]
    160160    1 The command you used for your failed login attempt [[BR]]
    161161    2 The output of that failed login attempt with ''-vvv'' debugging enabled [[BR]]
    162     3 A copy of your ~/.ssh/config file. [[BR]]
     162    3 A copy of both your ''~/.ssh/config'' and ''~/.ssh/conf.d/lobby'' files. [[BR]]
    163163   (Never ever send us your private key; It does not help to debug your connection problems, but will render the key useless as it is no longer private.)