Version 48 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
Enlighten Your Research Global Award: Virtual Machine Images for Life Science Research
Denver (USA) 18 November 2013 – One of the four prestigious "Enlighten Your Research Global" has been awarded to an idea developed by an ELIXIR working group for the sharing of virtual machines over research and education networks.
MOLGENIS/compute at IWSG-2013
MOLGENIS/compute was presented at 5th International Workshop on Science Gateways, IWSG 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at NBIC-2013
Towards visual analytics of bio-workflows presentation was given at the NBIC-2013 conference, Lunteren, Netherlands
Visual Analytics for Bio-Workflows at BIOINFORMATICS-2013
"Visualization of bioinformatics workflows for ease of understanding and design activities" paper will be presented at the BIOSTEC-BIOINFORMATICS-2013 conference, on February 11th, 2013, Bercelona, Spain. [ ...
MOLGENIS/compute workshop at BioAssist meeting
MOLGENIS/compute workshop took place at the NBIC Bio Assist meeting, in Utrect, Oct.12, 2012
Project overview
The MOLGENIS project provides an integrated database framework in bioinformatics including UI, R, Java and web service interfaces. This project is supported by University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen Bioinformatics Center GBIC, European Bioinformatics Institute EBI and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Center NBIC.
Chapter 3 - Creating a MOLGENIS from scratch?
Chapter 4 - Creating a MOLGENIS from an existing database
Help us to improve MOLGENIS
- adding to the MolgenisGuide,
- brainstorm new ideas on MolgenisEnhancements
- request specific enhancements New Ticket.
- report bugs as Defect Ticket
- or hack the MolgenisSourceCode.
- !!!!
- #6788
- #7840
- #7889
- #8334]
- &
- (
- (Dick
- (Erik
- (Molgenis
- (and
- (aneas)
- (data
- (duplicate
- (evt
- (italians)
- (kan
- (make
- (support)
- )
- +
- +5
- +GD
- +SC
- -
- ...?
- /
- 1
- 10
- 10)
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 135340
- 13?
- 14
- 144
- 15
- 15/7:
- 181
- 2
- 2-4
- 2.0
- 2017
- 2019
- 2023
- 2025
- 22
- 22-4
- 2:
- 3
- 3e
- 4
- 40h
- 5
- 6
- 6th!
- 7
- 70
- 7844
- 8
- 8227?)
- 8241?)
- 8h
- 8h?
- 9
- 9401
- >
- ?
- ???
- AD
- Account
- Adam
- Alexander
- Alexandere
- All
- Analyses
- Aneas
- Aneas/Dieuwke
- Aneas/Esther
- Aneas/Jelmer
- Aneas/Jelmer/Esther
- Aneas/Joeri
- Aneas/jelmer
- Api
- Api/Data
- AppsPlatform
- Armadillo
- Armadilo
- Array
- Auth
- BB
- BCN.
- Bart
- Bart?
- Bastion
- Bateleur?
- Beacon2
- Biobank
- Birgit
- Blocking
- Brenda
- Bugfix
- CF
- CI
- CIT/Stack
- Capice
- Catalogue
- CatalogueRequestWorkflow
- Cher
- Christian
- Cineca
- Clemens
- Cloud
- CohortCatalogue
- Commander
- Complicated....Meeting
- Composite
- Compute
- Connect
- Connor
- Connor)
- Connor/Max/Joris
- Connor?
- Customization
- D.
- DH1
- DM-dreams
- Darwin
- Data
- David
- David/Fernanda
- David/Joeri
- Dennis
- Dep
- Design
- Dev
- DevOps
- Developer
- Dick
- Dieuwke
- Dieuwke/Aneas
- Dieuwke/Fernanda
- Dieuwke/Jelmer
- Dieuwke/Konstantina
- Dieuwke/Tommy
- Dieuwke/aneas
- Dieuwke?
- Directory
- Discuss
- Discuss:Lennart
- Docs
- Domeinnaam
- Done
- Done?
- E-learning
- EMX2
- Eleanor
- Erik
- ErikZ
- Esther
- Esther/Dieuwke
- Esther]
- Excel
- Explorer
- Federate
- Fernanda
- Fernanda/David
- Fernanda/Dieuwke/Mariska
- Fernanda/Joris/Max
- Files
- Finland
- Fleur
- Force
- Forms
- Frontend
- GD
- GD+O&O
- GRCh38
- GS
- GTEx
- Gerben
- Gerben+RKa
- Gerieke
- Gerieke+team
- Gerieke/Morris
- Git
- Give
- Graph2VR
- GraphVR
- GroupsAndPermissions
- GvdV/PN
- Harm
- Harmonisation
- Hele
- Helpdesker
- Hielprik
- I
- IT
- Import
- ImportExport
- Infra
- Infra+pipelines
- Infra.
- Infra:
- Interoperability
- Investigate
- JH
- JJ
- JV
- JavaClient
- Jelmer
- Jelmer/Aneas
- Jelmer/Dieuwke
- Jelmer/Max
- Jelmer/Max/Joris
- Jelmer/Tommy
- Jelmer/aneas
- Jenkins
- Jenkins?
- Jeroen
- Joeri
- Joeri/Joris/Max/Morris
- Joeri/Kars
- John
- Joris
- Joris/Jelmer/Max
- Joris/Max
- Kars/Joeri
- KdL
- Key
- Kiana
- Kim
- Konstantina
- Kwaliteit
- LJ
- LJ:
- Large
- Lennart
- Lfelines
- Lifelines
- Lude
- Luuk
- M3R
- MBE;
- MBE?
- MIT/dell
- MS
- Maintenance
- MappingService
- Marieke
- Marieke/Kim
- Marielle
- Marije
- Marije)
- Mariska
- Marloes
- Mathieu
- Max
- Max/Joris
- MediuM
- Medium
- Merging
- Metadata
- Morris
- Morris/+reviewer
- Morris:high
- Morris?
- NN
- Navigator
- Nibbler
- Not
- Nov
- O&O
- O&O.
- O&O/Project
- O+O
- Onboarden
- Ops
- Ops?
- Out
- Overloop
- PD
- PN
- PN:quota
- PR
- Pathways
- Permissions
- Peter
- PipelineInnovation
- PipelineOps
- Pipelines
- Pixelpillow
- Platform
- Project
- PythonClient
- Questionnaire
- RD3
- RK
- RK:
- RKa
- Rewrite
- Rewrite:
- Robert
- Robin
- Rocky
- Ruben
- SC
- Sandbox
- Sander
- Sandi
- ScriptsAndJobs
- Settings
- Small
- Soesma
- Solve-RD
- SolveRD
- Splitsen
- Story
- Stuart
- Stuart+Christian?
- Students
- Support
- SupportOther
- SupportProject
- Surf
- TL
- Team
- Tiffany
- Tim
- ToDo:
- Tommy
- Tommy/Dieuwke
- Tommy/Jelmer
- Tommy/sido
- Trynke
- UI
- Ulrike
- V3
- VIP-for-UMCG
- VM
- VR
- Vibe
- WH.
- Wait
- WfExS
- Wim
- WorkflowHub
- Write
- XGBoost
- Xnat
- Yannick
- Ype
- [note:
- [verzoek
- _
- a
- aanpassingen
- about
- add
- adding
- afhechten
- afmaken
- after
- afwachten
- aip
- al
- al.
- all
- almost
- already
- als
- ami
- and
- ander
- andere
- aneas
- aneas/david
- aneas/dieuwke
- aneas/erik/ruben
- aneas/joeri
- aneas/ype
- annotate
- annotation
- apart
- api
- api?
- app
- apps
- are
- armadillo-dev
- armadillo-support
- at
- auto
- automated
- available
- available/compatible
- await
- awaiting
- awaitng
- back
- backlog
- bare
- basis
- bbmri
- bbmri-catalogue
- bbmri-eric
- bbmri-eric-directory
- bbmri-nl
- beacon
- bespreken
- besproken
- biobankconnect
- biomedbridges
- bioschemas
- blocking
- blocking:
- blocking:brainstorm
- blocking:discuss
- blocking:finish
- blocks
- blokt
- bmb
- boven
- boxje
- budget
- build
- built
- but
- by
- can
- capice
- catalogue
- catalogue-data
- catalogue-dev
- catalogue2
- chao
- chat
- chd7
- check
- checkout
- checks
- checksum
- chr
- chr6
- clarify
- clean
- client
- cluster
- cnv
- code
- coded
- cohorts
- col7a1
- column=value
- communication
- communiceert
- comparison
- complete
- conception
- configure
- connect
- constraint
- contact
- coordinates
- core
- created
- css
- current
- dashboard
- data
- data-model
- data-row-edit
- data-support
- dataset
- dataset?
- datashare
- david
- david68
- day
- deadline
- decide
- decision
- decisiontree
- define)!
- demo
- demo?
- depends
- descision.
- dev
- developer/Dieuwke
- developers
- devs
- diagnostics
- dieuwke
- dieuwke/Aneas
- dieuwke/aneas
- dieuwke/aneas/esther
- difference
- ding?
- directory-dev
- directory-support
- discontinue
- discuss
- discuss:split
- discuss_wontfix
- discussion
- disuss
- dit
- do
- doc
- docker
- document
- documentation
- doen?
- doet
- donderdag
- done
- done?
- double?
- dsUpload
- dsicuss
- duplicaat
- duplicate?
- een
- eerst
- emergency
- empty
- en
- end
- energysense
- epic
- er
- erin
- et
- euCanShare
- eucan
- evaluate
- even
- evt
- exon_skipping
- exonskipping
- expl
- explorer
- expr.
- fair
- fair-omes
- fairdatapoint
- fall
- feb
- federation
- feedback
- fender
- fernanda
- figure
- final
- finalizing
- finder)
- finished?
- first
- fix
- focus?
- folders
- follow
- for
- forms
- freedback
- from
- functioneel)
- funding
- future
- gcc
- gdi
- gearshift
- gedaan?
- geneticlines
- genomebrowser
- genturis
- gerieke
- gesprek:
- geweest
- gids
- goal
- goals
- gone!
- graphVR
- groot;
- groot?
- handling
- harmonization
- have
- hele
- helpdesk
- helpdesking
- het
- hfgp
- hielprik
- hours-
- how
- hpo
- hyperchicken
- ibd
- ic
- icebox)
- iedereen
- if
- implementation
- import
- import/export?
- importance
- importance?
- importer
- in
- in-house?
- incomplete
- info
- information
- infra
- inheritance
- integrate
- interested
- investeren
- is
- is:
- it
- java
- jelmer
- jelmer/dieuwke/aneas
- jelmer/tommy
- jij
- joeri
- justiina
- kan
- klaar!
- klein?
- koffiedrink
- kwaliteit
- lArge
- lage
- langslopen
- language
- large
- last
- let
- license
- lifelines
- like
- linked
- locally
- locatie
- long-read
- look
- looks
- los!
- losse
- m3r
- maandag
- mainly
- make
- maken
- manage
- manager
- manual
- many
- mapping
- marieke:
- marketing:high
- match
- max
- me
- medium
- meer
- meest
- meet
- meetinG
- meeting
- melding
- mensen?
- menu
- merge
- met
- metadata
- metal
- mind
- minerva
- model
- modile
- moet
- moeten
- mogelijk
- molgenis
- moment
- more
- morris
- mount
- move
- moved
- naar
- nanopore
- navigator
- needed?
- needs
- nemi
- netjes
- new
- nexttest
- niet
- nieuwe
- nodig?
- nog
- non-coding
- noodzaak?
- not
- note:
- november
- now
- now.
- of
- off
- ofzo
- okt
- old
- on
- ondersteunen
- onduidelijk
- only
- ontology
- ook
- op
- ops
- or
- order
- orphapacket
- ot
- other
- others
- out
- overdracht
- overdragen
- overnemen
- ownership
- pair
- palga
- pathologie
- pathology
- pedigree
- pending
- per
- performance
- permissions
- pharmacogenetics
- phenopacket
- phenotypes
- pipeline
- pipelines
- pipelines.
- piplines
- plan
- platform
- platformian
- plugin
- plz
- poc
- podb
- points
- points?
- poker
- porta
- portal
- prep
- prep:
- prepare
- prepares
- prio
- prio?
- priority
- prject
- prms
- proceed
- prod
- product
- production
- project
- projects.
- proof
- proposed:
- pseudonimiseren
- quality
- questionnair
- questions!
- rd-connect
- re-evalute
- read
- regel
- related
- release
- release?
- relevance
- relevant
- replace
- reply
- repo
- report
- request
- researcher
- rest
- restore
- results
- return
- review
- reviewer
- rewrite
- rfc100858
- rolled
- rsql
- rsync
- running
- running?
- sRAM
- samen
- samenvoegen
- sandbox
- sc
- schedules
- scope
- secure.
- security
- see
- separate
- seperate?
- sept
- service
- shorttandemrepeat
- siteimprove
- small
- so
- software.
- solve-rd
- someday
- sorta
- specs
- split
- sprint
- sprint?
- sram
- stakeholders
- standaard
- stap
- start
- status
- step
- still
- stories
- story
- str
- student?
- style
- such
- support
- supported
- sure
- sv
- switch
- t
- t0dO:
- talk
- talos
- te
- team
- team?
- teams
- technical
- test
- tested
- testing
- the
- theme
- then
- thing?
- this
- this?
- thresholds
- timebox:1
- tmp01
- to
- todo:
- todo:blocking
- todo:cleanup
- todo?
- together
- tommy
- track
- training
- trait
- trait-catalogue
- trendanalysis
- ucu
- ui
- uitgeleverd
- uitstellen?
- uitzoeken
- umcg
- unclear
- unclear?
- unique
- unknown
- up
- up)
- update
- updating
- urgent
- us
- used
- useful
- useful?
- user
- v2
- v3
- validation
- version
- vervolgoverleg
- vervolgstory
- via
- vibe
- vip
- vip-decision-tree
- vip-inheritance
- vip-report
- vkgl
- volgende
- voor
- vooral
- vraagt
- vragen
- w
- wait
- waiting
- want
- wat
- we
- wednesd
- week
- weinig
- werkt?
- wether
- what
- when
- where
- why
- why?
- wil
- will
- with
- wontfix
- work)
- workaround
- workmeeting
- workmeeting?
- workshop
- write
- written
- yes
- yet
- zetten
- zie
- zit
- zoeken
Attachments (13)
rug_logo_en.png (5.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
RuG logo
fmns_logo_en.png (1.8 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
FMNS log
molgenis_logo.jpg (575.4 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
molgenis logo
- nbic.png (6.0 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- gen2phen.gif (12.3 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- ebi_logo.gif (6.6 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
umcg_small.jpg (10.7 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- ebi_logo_small.gif (4.6 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- bbmri.gif (1.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
- bioshare.png (110.3 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- panacea.gif (7.0 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- lifelines.png (7.1 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
20111018 MOLGENIS 4 tutorial.pdf (476.9 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
MOLGENIS tutorial
Download all attachments as: .zip