
Version 19 (modified by antonak, 13 years ago) (diff)



update project = pull project

  • Go into the directory molgenis git pull --all

"commit" = push a change :

  • Edit a file vi DEVELOPERS
  • git add filename
  • git status
  • git diff
  • git commit -a (Commit the code locally, ) or git commit –m ‘Changed a file’
  • git status
  • git push origin ( If your done update your ‘fork’ git push, Push the local commits to your repository)
  • git push origin master (Add an upstream remote)

On the website: Create a PULL request to: molgenis/molgenis/master This will pack ALL current changes in master to be submitted to molgenis WHICH IS BAD! GOOGLE: “Creating good pull request” !

Work within a branch.

Create a pull request for 1 branch !

  • git branch new_feat
  • git branch bug_fixes
  • git checkout new_feat

Hack AWAY, all commits are to new_feat, when you push the first time:

  • git push origin new_feat

Every morning:

  • PULL from the molgenis organisation : *git remote add molgenis git://
  • GIT STATUS -> if changes:
  • git commit (or git stash)
  • Get changes git pull molgenis master Solve any conflict git commit –m “Morning molgenis merge” git push


  • NEVER force push origin master
  • If you cannot push, you need to pull ☺
  • Force push destroys your fork !!!!
  • So just never
  • If you did ☹ you should: Directly delete your repository on the website fork, clone,
  • remote add -> molgenis/molgenis again
  • If you have stuff you want to keep:
  • SAVE the files outside of the repos, and commit them back in after you setup a new remote fork and local repository

Git @ eclipse


Problem with push in eclipse :

[ down vote]
I faced the same problem and I found out solution which is extremely foolish. 
I took following steps: 

* I logged into git repository of my project from browser and didn't sign out.
* I copied the http url to push or pull from project repository from github.
* I pasted the url in my eclipse plugin while pushing code (didn't use the already stored one even though both of them were same)

I don't know what and why but above steps have worked for me whenever I have faced above problem. I don't know why does eclipse throw such exceptions and why does it gets solved this way.

You can also try pushing using other ways outside of eclipse. for eg. `TortoiseGit` or `SmartGit` etc.