
Version 8 (modified by jvelde, 12 years ago) (diff)



xQTL workbench - Registration and login

This part of the manual assumes you are working with an already installed and setup xQTL application. If this is not the case, and you'd like to install it, please go to Installation instructions first.

Register as a new user

  • Click Login on the right upper corner of the screen.
  • Click the Register link to create a new user. Finish by clicking Add.
  • An email is send to the administrator. Once verified, your account becomes active.
  • Your administrator must add your user to the biologist or bioinformatician group. This will enable you to use the application as this type of user.

Login with an existing user

  • Click Login on the right upper corner of the screen.
  • Fill in your username and password and hit the Login button.
  • After successful login, you will be taken to the Home page.
  • To change your credentials, clickLogged in as: user. Edit where needed and click on Apply changes.


  • Click Logout on the right upper corner of the screen while logged in.

Demonstration accounts

If your admin has set up the (demo) application with default example data, there will be a user named 'bio-user' with password 'bio' ready to demonstrate what a biologist can do. Similarly for 'bioinfo-user' with password 'bioinfo'. The Home page features buttons to immediatly log you in as one of these demo users, and take you to their corresponding abilities.