OntoCAT easy ontology search ¶
With so many ontocat papers published NBIC has made a newsitem on OntoCAT! n annotating life sciences data, ontologies are quickly gaining importance. Several ontology access resources are available, but these are not always easy to use and the differences in content and mode of operation makes integration with research data difficult. OntoCAT, developed by a team of bioinformaticians at the European Bioinformatics Institute and NBIC faculty member Morris Swertz (University of Groningen) offers a user-friendly interface to query heterogeneous ontology resources. Read all at http://www.nbic.nl/about-nbic/news-press/bioinformatics-news/detail/article/ontocat-easy-ontology-search/
10,000 commits, and the winner is Miranda (AMC) ¶
We are very proud to have had the 10,000 (ten thousand!) commit to the SVN. It has been really incredible how much activity we have seen in the molgenis area the last year with developers from UMCG, RUG, AMC, FIMM, EBI and U Leicester committing regularly!. Also the number of application is raising rapidly such as the mutation databases, compute, research portal, xQTL, NGS. We look forward to the next 10,000 commits :-)
Netherlands Genome project in New York Times ¶
We were proud to read in the New York Times about the Netherlands Genome project. Even a photograph of our beloved colleage Freerk van Dijk is shown whilst carrying a huge amount of hard disk with terabytes of whole genome sequencing data. Read the full story at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/01/business/dna-sequencing-caught-in-deluge-of-data.html