  • meeting with JJ about the next steps on Catalogue : mainly in this spirin will work on xpath import HL7 (mainly finish with import script)
    • later new version of xml including generic data & metadata that will be enhanced in catalogue viewer. 
  • skype with david : 
    • sorting of json results in MolgenisXrefService?
    • * When a different institute is selected (e.g. Erasmus MC) and you tab to the next field VUmc / GGZ in Geest is filled in instead.
    • problem with biobankImporter :     [javac] /Users/david/NetBeansProjects/molgenis_apps/apps/catalogue/plugins/biobankimporter/ error: unmappable character for encoding UTF8
  • problem runnign in eclipse build_biobanks , conflict with Jrebel .
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on 2012-06-14T15:43:53+02:00