Version 27 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
MOLGENIS suite overview: modules and products
Here you can find summaries and links on the components listed in the ticket system. In the software, these components become packages. For example: org.molgenis.db for shared pacakes or org.col7a1 for application specific packages. We distinguish two groups of components as listed below. Also the use of keywords is explained which we use to clarify relationships from shared packages to application. For example: tickets in the 'auth' component can be marked with keywords 'animaldb' to enable tracking by the animaldb team.
end product: | biobankcatalog | animaldb | ngs | mutationdb? | xqtl | impute? | gwas? | mass_spec | microarray? | |
lead: | joris, despoina | erik | freerk, jessica, wil | robert | joeri, danny | george, alex, andre | alex, roan | george | alex jessica | |
module: | users: | lifelines bbmri bioshare nbic | fwn | bbrmi medgen nbic | nbic col7a1 chd7 | panacea euratrans bioshare sysgenet | medgen lifelines bbmri | lifelines bioshare medgen | nbic npc fwn | bbmri |
db | morris, joris | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y |
ui | erik | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y |
datamodel? | morris, erik, joeri | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y |
convertor? | joeri roan | y | y | y | y | y | ||||
auth | robert, erik | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y |
search | despoina | y | y | |||||||
matrix | joeri, joris | y | y | y | ||||||
lims? | erik, jessica, joris | y | y | y | ||||||
pipeline? | joeri, george, morris | y | y | y | y | y | ||||
ngs_pipeline | freerk wil | |||||||||
trac | roan despoina | |||||||||
servers | ger, robert, freerk, joeri | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y |
= Graphical overview of modules =
digraph g {
node [shape=box,style=filled,color=white] rankdir="RL"
subgraph cluster_0 {
style=filled; color=lightgrey; label = "partner & user groups";
lifelines; bbmri; nbic; panacea; sysgenet; euratrans; gen2phen; gbic; medgen; fwn_chronobiology; npc_mass_spec_center; gids; col7a1; chd7; amc_nbic;
subgraph cluster_1 {
style=filled; color=lightgrey; label = "apps"; biobankcatalog animaldb mutationdb xqtl_workbench ngs_workbench gwas_workbench ms_workbench ma_workbench jamboreecards
subgraph cluster_2 {
style=filled; color=lightgrey; label = "molgenis"; phenoexplorer; db; ui; auth; molgenis; workbench; lims; convertors; datamodels; xgap; pheno;
#relations between projects and apps
col7a1 -> mutationdb; chd7 -> mutationdb;
fwn_chronobiology -> animaldb;
bbmri -> biobankcatalog; nbic -> biobankcatalog; lifelines -> biobankcatalog; gen2phen -> biobankcatalog; gids -> biobankcatalog;
gbic -> xqtl_workbench; panacea -> xqtl_workbench; sysgenet -> xqtl_workbench; euratrans -> xqtl_workbench;
npc_mass_spec_center -> ms_workbench;
bbmri -> ngs_workbench; medgen -> ngs_workbench; medgen -> ngs_workbench;
bbmri -> ma_workbench;
bbmri -> gwas_workbench lifelines -> gwas_workbench; gids -> gwas_workbench; medgen -> gwas_workbench;
amc_nbic -> jamboreecards;
#relations between apps and components
ngs_workbench ->workbench; gwas_workbench -> workbench; xqtl_workbench -> workbench; ms_workbench -> workbench; ma_workbench -> workbench;
biobankcatalog -> phenoexplorer; animaldb -> phenoexplorer; mutationdb -> phenoexplorer; workbench -> phenoexplorer;
animaldb -> lims; workbench -> lims;
workbench -> convertors;
jamboreecards -> molgenis;
#relations between components and sub-components
molgenis -> auth; molgenis -> db; molgenis -> ui;
lims -> datamodels; workbench -> datamodels; phenoexplorer -> datamodels; convertors -> datamodels;
datamodels -> molgenis; datamodels -> pheno; datamodels -> xgap;