
MOLGENIS data model mapping overview

Note: the 'extends' is not without errors! Status: draft

XGAP Pheno Merge Module Extends Remove
Job Job cluster matrix
Subjob Subjob cluster matrix
Analysis Analysis cluster matrix
ParameterSet ParameterSet cluster matrix
ParameterName ParameterName cluster matrix
ParameterValue ParameterValue cluster matrix
DataSet DataSet cluster matrix
DataName DataName cluster matrix
DataValue DataValue cluster matrix
SelectedParameter SelectedParameter cluster matrix
SelectedData SelectedData cluster matrix
MolgenisUserGroup MolgenisUserGroup core
MolgenisUser MolgenisUser core
MolgenisEntityMetaData MolgenisEntityMetaData core
Identifiable Identifiable Identifiable core
Nameable Nameable core
Describable Describable core ?
OntologyTerm OntologyTerm OntologyTerm crossref study
URI URI crossref study ?
BibliographicReference BibliographicReference crossref study ?
OntologySource Ontology Ontology crossref study
DecimalDataElement DecimalDataElement matrix
Data DataSet matrix rename?
DimensionElement ~InvestigationElement DimensionElement matrix
DataElement DataElement matrix
TextDataElement TextDataElement matrix
ObservedValue ObservedValue pheno study
InferredValue InferredValue pheno study
Protocol Protocol Protocol study matrix
ProtocolApplication ProtocolApplication ProtocolApplication study matrix
Investigation Investigation study matrix
Subject ObservationTarget Subject study matrix
Strain Panel Panel study matrix
Individual Individual Individual study matrix
Trait ObservableFeature Feature study matrix
Sample Sample xgap study
PairedSample PairedSample xgap study
Chromosome Chromosome xgap study
Locus Locus xgap study
NMRBin NMRBin xgap study
Clone Clone xgap study
Derived Derived xgap study
Factor Factor xgap study
Gene Gene xgap study
Protein Protein xgap study
Metabolite Metabolite xgap study
Phenotype Phenotype xgap study
Marker Marker xgap study
Probe Probe xgap study
Spot Spot xgap study
ProbeSet ProbeSet xgap study
MassPeak MassPeak xgap study
Error: Failed to load processor graphviz
No macro or processor named 'graphviz' found
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 2010-10-01T16:26:04+02:00